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Friday, December 28, 2007

Jangan Sakit, di Sana Tak Ada Jamu

Banyak pelajar atau mahasiswa Indonesia yang ingin menuntut ilmu ke luar negeri, tidak tahu persis apa yang seharusnya disiapkan. Ada sejumlah hal yang kiranya perlu mendapat perhatian serius, terutama kesehatan.

Persiapan bahasa, tentu menjadi salah satu syarat utama. Begitu pula keuangan dan mentalitas. Mentalitas ikut menjadi peran penting karena kebanyakan mereka yang belajar di luar negeri hanya akan menghadapi dua kemungkinan, sukses atau gagal. Kesuksesan atau kegagalan amat ditentukan mahasiswa sendiri. Adakah di luar negeri mahasiswa benar-benar belajar atau hanya foya-foya.

Selain berbagai faktor itu, masalah kesehatan perlu mendapat perhatian serius. Bahkan, melihat seriusnya persyaratan kesehatan bagi calon pelajar dan mahasiswa yang akan belajar ke luar negeri, sejumlah negara memberi syarat amat ketat.

Syarat itu ialah agar calon yang akan menempuh pendidikan di negerinya harus disertai surat keterangan kesehatan. Surat keterangan kesehatan ini harus dikeluarkan oleh lembaga kesehatan atau rumah sakit yang dipercaya dan diharapkan memiliki reputasi yang baik.

Maka, selain membekali mental dan material, orangtua selayaknya selalu mengingatkan anak-anaknya yang belajar di luar negeri agar menjaga kesehatan. Ini penting mengingat biaya pengobatan di luar negeri amat mahal, apalagi jika pelajar atau mahasiswa tidak memiliki asuransi kesehatan.

Pesankan kepada anak-anak, "Jangan Sakit. Biaya pengobatan di luar negeri amat sangat mahal, dan tidak ada jamu. Bagi yang mendapat beasiswa tetapi tidak termasuk asuransi, sebaiknya yang bersangkutan mendaftarkan diri pada asuransi kesehatan di kampus masing-masing," ujar Anita L Sutandyo dari Anindo Dutabhuana.

Atas keadaan itu, tidaklah mengherankan bila sejumlah negara mensyaratkan agar pelajar atau mahasiswa memiliki asuransi, suatu hal yang kurang populer di Indonesia. Bahkan, ada sejumlah negara yang memberlakukan persyaratan kesehatan secara sangat ketat, terutama bila mereka akan tinggal lama di negara bersangkutan. Misalnya, orang itu harus membawa hasil rontgen paru-paru yang dibuat sekitar satu bulan sebelum berangkat. Ini dimaksudkan untuk melihat apakah yang bersangkutan menderita TBC atau tidak. Ada juga negara yang meminta agar pelajar atau mahasiswa menyertakan keterangan telah melakukan vaksinasi untuk penyakit-penyakit tertentu. Meski demikian, tetap saja kemungkinan bagi seseorang untuk jatuh sakit amat terbuka lebar.

Tidak ter-"cover"

Meski sudah memiliki asuransi kesehatan, pelajar atau mahasiswa tetap harus hati-hati. Mengapa? Asuransi kesehatan pada beberapa negara ternyata tidak meng-cover penyakit yang sudah diderita pelajar atau mahasiswa sebelum mereka datang ke negara itu. Mengenai hal ini bisa muncul perdebatan panjang yang menghabiskan energi.

Karena itu, nasihat yang paling sering muncul dari orangtua kepada anak-anaknya yang belajar di luar negeri, minumlah selalu vitamin secara teratur agar tidak jatuh sakit.

Nasihat lain yang tak kalah penting, sering-seringlah menyikat gigi. Pada sejumlah negara ada yang mensyaratkan agar pelajar dan mahasiswa yang akan belajar di negerinya memeriksakan gigi lebih dulu. Maklum, biaya untuk pengobatan sakit gigi amat mahal. Mahalnya biaya pengobatan gigi lebih disebabkan dokter gigi dituntut bekerja ekstra hati-hati dan teliti agar tak melahirkan gugatan di pengadilan karena dianggap melakukan malapraktik, salah penanganan, atau keliru bertindak saat memeriksa gigi pasien.

Maka tidak heran, di luar negeri, bila dokter gigi merasa ragu-ragu saat memeriksa pasien, dan tidak dapat secara tepat menemukan sumber penyakit gigi, mereka tidak akan gegabah melakukan tindakan. Kepada pasien akan diminta melakukan rontgen dulu. Berdasarkan hasil rontgen itulah dokter gigi bertindak. Maka, selain harus membayar biaya pengobatan gigi, seorang pasien juga harus membayar biaya rontgen. Dan, bila pengobatan gigi itu sampai memerlukan perawatan saraf, biaya pun akan bertambah untuk pengobatan saraf. Karena itu, tak perlu heran, bila seorang pasien datang ke dokter gigi, hal utama dan pertama kali ditanyakan resepsionis adalah "Apakah Anda memiliki asuransi kesehatan,?" Kalau tidak mempunyai asuransi, daftar pertanyaan pun semakin panjang, termasuk berapa uang yang tersedia.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Pakistan's Bhutto killed in attack

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan - Enraged crowds rioted across Pakistan and hopes for democracy hung by a thread after Benazir Bhutto was gunned down Thursday as she waved to supporters from the sunroof of her armored vehicle. The death of President Pervez Musharraf's most powerful opponent threw the nation into chaos just 12 days before elections, and threatened its already unsteady role as a key fighter against Islamic terror.

The murder of Bhutto, one of Pakistan's most famous and enduring politicians, sparked violence that killed at least 10 people and plunged efforts to restore democracy to this nuclear-armed U.S. ally into turmoil.

Another opposition politician, Nawaz Sharif, announced he was boycotting Jan. 8 parliamentary elections in which Bhutto was hoping to recapture the premiership, and Musharraf reportedly weighed canceling the poll.

Bhutto, 54, was struck down amid scenes of blood and chaos as an unknown gunman opened fire and, according to witnesses and police, blew himself up, killing 20 other people.

Musharraf blamed Islamic terrorists, pledging in a nationally televised speech that "we will not rest until we eliminate these terrorists and root them out."

President Bush, who spoke briefly by phone with Musharraf, looked tense as he spoke to reporters, denouncing the "murderous extremists who are trying to undermine Pakistan's democracy."

U.S. intelligence officials said they were trying to determine the validity of purported claims of responsibility by al-Qaida, stressing they still couldn't say who was responsible.

Bhutto's death marked yet another grim chapter in Pakistan's bloodstained history, 28 years after her father, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, another ex-prime minister, was hanged by a military dictatorship in the same northern city where she was killed.

"The repercussions of her murder will continue to unfold for months, even years," read a mournful editorial in the Dawn newspaper. "What is clear is that Pakistan's political landscape will never be the same, having lost one of its finest daughters."

Bhutto will be buried near her father's grave in the family's ancestral village of Garhi Khuda Bakhsh Friday afternoon, said Nazir Dkhoki, a spokesman for Bhutto's party. He added that Bhutto's husband and three children have arrived from Dubai to attend.

Her death left her Pakistan People's Party leaderless and plunged the Muslim nation of 160 million into violence and recriminations, with Bhutto supporters accusing Musharraf's government of failing to protect her in the wake of death threats and previous attempts on her life.

As the news spread, supporters gathered at the hospital where Bhutto had been taken, smashed glass doors, stoned cars and chanted, "Killer, Killer, Musharraf."

At least 10 people were killed across the country in the violence following the assassination, including one police officer who died of his wounds early Friday. Bhutto's supporters in many towns burned banks, shops and state-run grocery stores. Some torched ruling party offices, Pakistani media reported.

On Friday, about 4,000 Bhutto party supporters rallied in the northwestern city of Peshawar and several hundred of them ransacked the office of the main pro-Musharraf party, burning furniture and stationery. The office was empty and no one was hurt.

Musharraf called senior staff into an emergency meeting to discuss a response to the killing and whether to postpone the election, an Interior Ministry official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the talks.

The killing appeared to shut off a possible avenue for a credible return to democracy after eight years under Musharraf's increasingly unpopular rule, and left a string of unanswered questions, chiefly whether it could strengthen Musharraf by eliminating a strong rival, or weaken him by sparking uncontrollable riots.

The U.S. was struggling to reformulate its plan to stabilize the country based on a rapprochement between Bhutto and Musharraf. Bhutto had returned in October after nearly a decade in exile hoping for a power-sharing deal with Musharraf, but had become his fierce critic, accusing elements in the ruling party of backing militants to kill her.

Pakistani analysts were plunged into gloom.

"This assassination is the most serious setback for democracy in Pakistan," said Rasul Baksh Rais, a political scientist at Lahore's University of Management Sciences. "It shows extremists are powerful enough to disrupt the democratic process."

Analyst Talat Masood, a retired general, said: "Conditions in the country have reached a point where it is too dangerous for political parties to operate."

Sharif, another former premier who now leads an opposition party, demanded Musharraf resign immediately and announced his party would boycott the elections, seen as vital to restoring democracy. He also called for the resignation of Musharraf, a former army chief who toppled Sharif in a 1999 coup.

"Musharraf is the cause of all the problems. The federation of Pakistan cannot remain intact in the presence of President Musharraf," he said.

Next to Musharraf, Bhutto was the best known political figure in the country, serving two terms as prime minister between 1988 and 1996. An instantly recognizable figure with graceful features under an ever-present head scarf, she bore the legacy of her hanged father and was respected in the West for her liberal outlook and determination to combat Islamic extremism.

It was a theme she had often returned to in recent campaign speeches.

Addressing more than 5,000 supporters Thursday in Rawalpindi, Bhutto dismissed the notion that Pakistan needed foreigners to help quell resurgent militants linked to the Taliban and al-Qaida in the area bordering Afghanistan.

"Why should foreign troops come in? We can take care of this, I can take care of this, you can take care of this," she said.

As Bhutto left the rally in a white SUV, youths chanted her name and supportive slogans, said Sardar Qamar Hayyat, an official from Bhutto's party who was about 10 yards away.

Despite the danger of physical exposure, a smiling Bhutto stuck her head out of the sunroof and responded, he said.

"Then I saw a thin young man jumping toward her vehicle from the back and opening fire. Moments later, I saw her speeding vehicle going away. That was the time when I heard a blast and fell down," he said.

Bhutto was rushed into surgery. A doctor on the surgical team said a bullet in the back of her neck damaged her spinal cord before exiting from the side of her head. Another bullet pierced the back of her shoulder and came out through her chest, he said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. She was given an open-heart massage, but the spinal cord damage was too great, he said.

"At 6:16 p.m. she expired," said Wasif Ali Khan, a member of Bhutto's party who was at Rawalpindi General Hospital.

Hours later, supporters carried Bhutto's body out of the hospital in a plain wooden coffin.

Bhutto had returned to Pakistan from nearly a decade in exile on Oct. 18, and her homecoming parade in Karachi was also targeted by a suicide attacker, who killed more than 140 people. She narrowly escaped injury.

Rawalpindi, a former capital, has a history of political violence. The park where Bhutto made her last speech is the same one where the country's first prime minister, Liaquat Ali Khan, was shot to death in 1951. It is named after him.

Musharraf survived two bombing attacks here in 2003. Earlier that year, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, was captured in Rawalpindi. In recent weeks, suicide bombers have repeatedly targeted security forces in the city.

Bhutto's father was hanged in 1979 in Rawalpindi on charges of conspiracy to murder — an execution that led to violent protests across the country similar to those that raged Thursday.

Thursday's rally was Bhutto's first since returning to Pakistan, Musharraf having forced her to scrap a meeting here last month citing security fears. Hundreds of riot police manned security checkpoints at the park.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who met with Bhutto just hours before her death, called her a brave woman with a clear vision "for her own country, for Afghanistan and for the region — a vision of democracy and prosperity and peace."

Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., visiting Pakistan with Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said he was just leaving his hotel room for dinner with Bhutto at her home when he got the news.

"I couldn't believe it," he told The Associated Press by phone. "Her death really dashed the hope of many here in Pakistan and that's why there's so much disillusionment and anger being vented through these protests that are lighting up the sky tonight as people set fires all over the countryside."

U.S. intelligence agencies said it was to soon to say who carried out the attack.

FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said the agency "continues to work with our U.S. intelligence community partners reviewing the al-Qaida claims for responsibility for any intelligence value. The validity of those claims are undetermined."

The statement came after a law enforcement official told the AP that a national FBI and Homeland Securityal-Qaida had claimed responsibility. The official asked to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak publicly about it. bulletin to law enforcement agencies cited Islamist Web sites as saying

Director of National Intelligence spokesman Ross Feinstein said his agency was "in no position right now to confirm who may have been responsible."

The U.N. Security Council vigorously denounced the killing and urged "all Pakistanis to exercise restraint and maintain stability in the country."


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Biasa ??? Maksud loh !!!!

Tulisan ini sebenarnya sich memang tidak layak untuk dipampang, tetapi berhubung semua orang sering mengucakpan kata " Biasa " jadinya harus kita telusuri. Semua orang pasti pernah mengucapkan kata biasa. Dan semua orang juga bahkan dari mulai anak berusia 6 tahun sampai dengan yang tua sekalipun bisa mengucapkan kata "Biasa". Tetapi makna dari kata tersebut sebenarnya apa ? Coba kalian amati dari percakapan ini :

Anak muda bertemu dengan teman sebaya diperjalanan
anak muda 1 : "duch rapi amat lo.. mau kemana nich ?"
anak muda 2 : sambil berjalan dan tersenyum " biasa "

orang tua bertemu dengan orang tua lainnya :
orang tua 1 : " walah repot amat pak... lagi ngapain ?"
orang tua 2 : " iya nich... biasa "

Tukang jamu bertemu dengan pelanggan :
Tukang jamu : " mas jamu ne opo ?"
pelanggan : " biasa ..."

Nach dari ketiga contoh itu bisa dibayangkan apa yang dimaksud dengan " biasa ". Kalau semua orang yang ditanya menjawab seperti itu, apakah bisa tergambar apa yang dimaksud ???
sepertinya pengaruh kata itu memang sulit untuk dihilangkan dari muka bumi ini karena memang sudah menjadi mitos dan ucapan yang memboming di semua kota. Tetapi saya yakin anda sendiri tidak mampu memberikan pengertian kata itu untuk anda.

Untuk mengerti dan mengetahui apa makna sebenarnya kata itu, coba kalian renungkan ucapan " Biasa "

Selamat mencoba.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Lebaran kAmBiNG.... Ngumpul Di Bec

ITungannya sich tinggal 2 minggu lagi... semua orang akan merayakan Lebaran untuk kedua kalinya dalam tahun ini.... Yaitu Lebaran Idul Adha dimana semua orang yang mampu untuk memberikan Qurban kepada pAra Kaum Dhuafa dan orang tidak mampu. Dimanakah BEC akan menyumbang kembali Qurbannya ?? dah ada beritanya lum yach..... Seperti yang dilakukan oleh angkatan X terdahulu yang menyumbang 1 Ekor sapi dan beberapa ekor kambing... Tempatnya di Rumah Nyi adeh ( dESA .... Lupa saya namanya ) yang jelas perayaanya meriah dech dan alhamdulillah lancar dan sukses.... ( Fotonya masih ada sama bEC )

nACH kAtanya angkatan 10 maw mengadakan acara ngumpul bersama dan
" nyate " pada hari tersebut dan diharapkan untuk semua angkatan 10 untuk hadir dalam acara tersebut dan tidak lupa untuk membawa sumbangan daging sapi atau kambing ( klw dapet )

Untuk itu mari kita sukseskan acara ini, Mudah² BEc MEndapatkan Keberkahan dan keridhoan dari Allah SWT dengan memberikan Qurban kepada yang berhak dan nak² Bec juga mendapatkan limpahan berkah dan karunia dalam menjalani kehidupan ini

Love Is Blind... ???

enarkah cinta itu memang sangat sangat sangat... Buta ? Ada orang bila bermula dari sebuah pertemanan dan berakhir dengan percintaan. Sesuai dengan apa yang disampaikan oleh semua orang "janganlah terlalu benci dengan orang itu pasti kamu semakin suka" dan "jangan pernah suka sekali dengan orang itu pasti kamu akan benci padanya"
Semua pepatah itu entah benar apa tidaknya karena semua itu membutuhkan kepercayaan yang sangat matang sehingga mungkin tidaknya terjadi hal itu...hanya anda yang tau.

Mungkin kisahnya sudah lama terjadi kisah percintaan antara...angkatan 10 yang bernama...hmmmm... ( Se*i*n* dengan *Mir*...) yach...katanya sich gitu trus juga kisahnya
( D*de Dengan R*st*) wew... kisah sejati yach.... mudah²an jadi langgeng dech seperti kisahnya romeo dan juliet....Tapi itu memang bukan hal yang patut dipungkiri karena cinta itu memang sangat tidak bisa memandang siapapun dan kapanpun...semua orang bisa merasakan dan terjadi kepada siapa saja.

Enak aja .... sebenarnya cinta itu gak buta... Kata Ebe angk. X ...cinta itu sah sah aja... dan saling mencinta itu tidak perlu memandang orang harus seperti apa dan bagaimana, yang penting antara kalian berdua saling mencintai dan menyayangi.

Apa komentar kalian ...... Please Save on your mind.....

Belanja Murah